
Preserving Celtic Heritage

for American's of Celtic descent.

Donations help make programs and resources come alive. Every dollar helps to preserve more heritage.  

Does a specific nation or project hold a special heart place?  Let us know and we will restrict the donation to only those projects.  

Where do Donations Go?

95% of donations go straight to programs!

5% are processing fees. 

Other ways to donate




The world is rich in diversity of culture.  In the United States, there is a meeting of many cultures and the ones people came from can be forgotten over generations.  

We strive to preserve Celtic heritage for Americans of Celtic descent so they may be connected to the threads of their past, present, and future.

© 2020, 2021 Celtic Heritage Foundation. All Rights Reserved

contact us

We are located in Washington State

Email: [email protected]

Photo Backdrop: Celtic Cross tombstone in Glendalough, Wicklow Mountains