cheesy cauliflower
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Cheesy Cauliflower

From the cabbage family, the oldest record of cauliflower is from the 6th century BC from the island of Cyprus. From there it moved to Spain (via Syria) and England and was introduced to Ireland most likely by the English in the 16th century. Most Irish recipes keep the green outer leaves to enhance the flavor and include some sort of cheese sauce.
Be sure to choose a cauliflower with healthy green outer leaves.
Prep: 25 min
Bake: 5-30 min
Total: 30-55 min
Servings: 8
Oven: broil or 350°

1 head of cauliflower (with outer green leaves)
2 1/2 cups milk (with a bit of cream added)
3-4 slices of carrot
6 peppercorns
Sprig of parsley or thyme
1 1/2 cups up of grated mature Irish cheddar cheese
1/2t English mustard
salt & pepper
chopped parsley

Cut washed cauliflower into eights and place in pan a top the green outer leaves with an inch of water. Cover and simmer about 10-15 minutes. Cauliflower is done with knife inserted in stalk has a little resistance. Strain water and place cauliflower and leaves in oven proof pan.

Combine milk, onion, carrot, peppercorns, and parsley (or thyme) in sauce pan. Bring milk to a boil then let simmer 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat and allow the flavors to blend for another 10 minutes. Strain the vegetables from the milk and bring milk to a boil. Stir in roux and continue to cook (and stir) at a simmer until desired thickness. Add 1 1/4 cup of grated cheese and mustard.

Pour sauce over cauliflower and top with remaining cheese. Bake until heated through if needed, otherwise broil until browned
(see details above).
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Recipe from Irish Traditional Cooking
Darina Allen
Pg. 182
We are not affiliated with this author or publisher in any way.
Published by Kyle Books