Soda Bread

with Chive Butter and Smoked Salmon

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Soda Bread with Chive Butter & Smoked Salmon


Salmon has been a staple food in Ireland since the first humans arrived.  With most of the island covered by trees, humans first inhabited the coasts and then moved inland with the rivers. Salmon is included in Irish legends, most notably the Salmon of Knowledge where Finn Mac Cumhaill famously eats of its flesh and gains all the knowledge in the world. With round Celtic homes and thatching, the Irish would hang meat and fish to smoke from the fire that also heated the home. Most Irish smoked salmon is cold smoked and is less cooked then the salmon of the America's. 


Add chopped chives to a cube of softened butter and mix.  Ideally let sit overnight so the flavors can meld well, but you can also serve right away.  Thinly slice the soda bread.  Optional - place in low oven for 15-20 minutes to become slightly crispy on the outside.  Serve with smoked salmon.