Tomato Relish

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Tomato Relish


One of the oldest plants in the world, evidence of tomato fossils has been found in the Antarctic dated back to as long as 50 million years ago.  The tomato was brought to Europe from central and south America in the 16th century, but Ireland lacks the sun and warm temperatures to grow.  As a result, most domestic growing is in a glasshouse or polytunnel.


An easy recipe to make, this recipe is the closest our test kitchen could find to the flavors growing up in an Irish household.  Recipe from Rachel Allen's Irish Family Food.  Scroll down for more information.

Prep:  10 min

Cook:  2 hrs

Total:  2 hrs 10 min

Servings:  11 oz


14oz can chopped tomatoes

1 onion, finely chopped

7 oz white wine vinegar

4.5 oz white sugar (just over 1/2 cup)

3.5oz raisins (just under 1/2 cup)

4T Water

1t Wholegrain mustard

1/2t ground cumin

1/2t ground coriander

pinch ground cloves


  • Combine all ingredients in sauce pan over low heat.
  • Bring to a simmer.  Continue to cook on low simmer for about 1 1/2 hrs.
  • Relish is ready when reduced to a chunky consistency.


Combine all ingredients in sauce pan over low heat.  Bring to a simmer

Continue cooking on low simmer for about 1 1/2 hrs until relish is reduced to a chunky consistency.

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Recipe from Rachel Allen - Irish Family Food

Pg. 20

We are not affiliated with this author or publisher in any way.

Published by Harper Collins

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