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Isle of Man

Discover the Manx

The Isle of Man is located in the Irish Sea between Ireland and England.


Quick HIstorical Overview
Customs & Traditions
A trip to Isle of Man

by Tieran Freedman


Even though Isle of Man is small, it has given the world some amazing things!!

  • Animals

  • Racing

  • Star of India

  • Focused Warship firing

Animals of Man

manx Cat

Photo by S.J. Pyrotechnic, via Flickr; Attribution-(CC BY-SA 2.0)

The Manx cat is most famous for its short or almost non-existent tail caused by a natural genetic mutation perpetuated in the 1800's at cat shows.  They also have long hind quarters and a round head which can give them a "hunched" look.  The breed was first standardized in 1903.  The mutation which causes the stubby or lack of tail is dominant so tends to "take over" other breeds. A Manx cat only carries one gene for the short tail so even two purebred Manx cats can have offspring without the gene.

Photo by Chinook203

Manx cats are known for their "dog-like" characteristics: playful interaction, fetching small objects, protecting their family, following after owners. They are skilled hunters used on farms and ships in addition to a house cat and companion.

Manx Loaghtan SheeP

Photo by Jno.skinner, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

One might think the Manx Loaghtan sheep is best know for its multiple horns which can range from two to six.  Actually, its their wool. Loaghtan sheep were named for the color if their wool.  In Manx, the words lugh dhoan, mean "mouse-brown".  The unique color of Loaghtan wool meant it could be woven into other colors without having to be dyed.  It would remain very popular beyond Manx shores until the industrial revolution which allowed dyeing to be easier and cheaper.  Loaghtan sheep lost their unique place and were almost extinct by the late 1800's.

Photo by belchonock

Twice, the breed had a revival and then declined again.  In the 1950's, there were only three small flocks left.  The Manx Museum and National Trust  purchased a flock for preservation which began to raise the popularity of the breed again.  The light brown color gene is recessive, so some Loaghtan sheep lack the prized light brown. The wool is still used today undyed and the meat is considered a delicacy.

The world is rich in diversity of culture.  In the United States, there is a meeting of many cultures and the ones people came from can be forgotten over generations.  

We strive to preserve Celtic heritage for Americans of Celtic descent so they may be connected to the threads of their past, present, and future.

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Isle of Man Map:  Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2018, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Douglas Bay - Pan Maule

Milner Tower on Brada Head, by tr3gi

Manx Museum: Yohan euan o4, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

The Great Laxey Wheel with viaduct, tr3gi